Unhealthy eating has become one of the serious problems of modern society, affecting the health and contributing to overweight.

Eating the suitable food group s in appropriate portions to obtain the proper balance is now possible with the Dr. Soler MIC Ultra Fit Method. This method allows you to lose weight successfully by educating and reconditioning the brain and its satiety sensors.

The program is based on a structured and balanced diet between carbohydrates and proteins; no more than 1,250 k / calories / for women and 1,400 K / calories / day for men. Dr. Soler recommends healthy foods such as eggs, vegetables and fruits combined with turkey, fish and chicken.

In the last 10 years, this system has helped thousands of men and women in Puerto Rico and the United States obtain an ideal weight and maintained it.

The Dr. Soler MIC Ultra Fit Method is not a meals replacement and does not include meals prepared from preservatives or frozen shakes, pills or herbs.

Balance diet of proteins and carbohydrates

The American diet is based on lots of sugars and refined carbohydrates (pasta, rice, breads, cakes -starch-), which are not good when eaten in excess.

The Dr. Soler MIC Ultra Fit program allows the transition from high refined carbohydrates regimen to a healthier way of eating that will make you look and feel better. The concept is to help burn excess fat. This is important when you want to burn fat while protecting your muscles.

The program is not about a high protein regimen. In fact, the amount of consumed protein is based in the recommendation of the World Health Organization.

Many people have experienced dramatic health benefits as a direct result of rebalancing their daily administration of proteins and carbohydrates. An example are patients of Dr. Soler MIC Ultra Fit program, who under medical supervision have improved diseases like type 1 and 2 diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and insulin resistance.

Stages of the Program

Medical supervision is the Program’s key element to maintain long-term weight loss.

The Dr. Soler MIC Ultra Fit Program runs for periods of 8-12 weeks. However, the duration depends on the goal of weight loss. The five-week periods help people develop good eating habits, reconfiguration of their metabolism to stop eating excessive amounts of sugar and reduce the sizes of food portions. In addition, each weekly visit is essential to measure results and receive valuable advice and supervision.

After the completion of the weight loss part program, the maintenance program starts; where previously reduced meals are reintroduced, with the help of Vitamin MIC complex. Also, we offer reinforcement about portioning the right amount of each food group and how to balance between proteins and carbohydrates, keys to achieving weight loss for life.


Dr. Soler MIC ULTRA Fit includes:

  • Dish servings
  • Glass Juices
  • Instruction Booklet
  • Bottle with 60 tablets
  • Pedometer

MIC Ultra Fit Oral Spray


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Ultra Fit Coffee

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