Prepare your body for summer

7 Laws for getting a Slim Body
28 March, 2015
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Prepare your body for summer

Summer is approaching and many begin to worry about improving their figure with long hours of training and dieting because one’s body does not always look like we would like it. Assigning long hours to exercise or stop eating is not enough if a balanced diet is not followed and there is no maintenance plan. Eating at the appropriate times; leaves a space for small indulgences and therefor one will not fall into anxiety attacks, these are some of UltraFit’s tips to help fight body fat.

Abs start in the kitchen

The key to getting a flat stomach comes down to what you put in your mouth. The 80:20 rule says there must be an 80% diet and 20% of cardiovascular exercise to notice significant changes. No matter how hard you are working at the gym, it will not work if afterwards you eat large amounts of carbohydrates.

Consume large amounts of protein

When you need to lose fat you should not give up the amount of muscle mass you already have. Consuming large amounts of protein will help achieve this. It will also reduce the levels of hunger and generate the movement of calories.

Shifting calories

Circulating calories involves changing the daily amount consumed. It is a great tool for those looking to shed fat. Allowing your metabolism to constantly adapt to a diet prevents getting stuck in the same weight while trying to lose weight. One day detoxify yourself by drinking juice detox, the next day consume lean proteins, another day eat more fruits and vegetables so on. The idea is to vary your diet and always change.

Plan meals

Proper planning and meal preparation are key components to enhance your figure. Remember: 3 meals + 2 snacks. Ensure a good breakfast with food that are high in proteins. Avoid sugary carbohydrates because they will leave you hungry during the day.


Staying hydrated is essential, especially on hot days. Water will help suppress hunger levels. Liquids like green tea and coffee are thermogenic capabilities that help balance the metabolism and continue to burn calories.

Add some flavor

Rather than drown your salad with a high calorie dressing use some spices to add more flavor. Cinnamon, ginger and chili are alternatives low in calories and perfect for speeding up your metabolism.

Eat natural foods

Try to eat food that comes from the earth. If the package includes a long list of ingredients do not consume them. Natural foods do not require ingredients; they are the ingredients!

Enjoy your food

Experiment with the food you cook. Add spices, lots of color and vegetables; by doing this you will maintain interest in dieting. Have fun with what you eat and enjoy. Remember: “Eating healthy is a UltraFit lifestyle!”
By: Dr. Michael Soler
Creator Mic Ultra Fit
Specialists in bariatric medicine